Speak up for wildlife when the County Planning Commission reviews the amended Section 5.1.2: Wildlife Friendly Fencing at their meeting this Monday.
Fencing, if not done right, can be harmful and even lethal to wildlife. Animals are too often caught and trapped in fences, and large fencing installations can disrupt wildlife permeability, negatively impacting how an individual or group of animals move through the ecosystem. We have the chance to change that.
As part of an effort to update the Natural Resource Land Development Regulations (LDR) in phases, the Teton County Planning & Building Department has developed and released amended draft regulations for Section 5.1.2: Wildlife Friendly Fencing.
This upcoming Monday, the Planning Commission will meet to discuss the most up-to-date version of the amended section. The changes made in the draft amendment have improved the code greatly but we believe there is room for further improvement.
Click here to see our specific concerns for the latest draft, or to view our original letter to the Commission.
We need community members to give public comment at the meeting, or send in written comment, to help the commission make an informed decision. This modification is an opportunity to set clear guidelines that address wildlife permeability and movement, an important goal listed in the Comprehensive Plan.
- Click Here for information on how to join the Planning Commission meeting at 6:00pm on August 9, 2021. The meeting can be attended in-person or via zoom.
- Written comments or questions on the proposed draft may be submitted to the Teton County Planning Commission at planningcom@tetoncountywy.gov, cc rhostetter@tetoncountywy.gov
- Information about the proposed update, including the timeline of this process and draft language, can be found HERE.
- View the Planning Commission Staff Report HERE.