See the presentation from our expert consultants, and mark your calendar for our next (virtual) transportation event!
We’d like to thank all of you that have reached out with your stories of dealing with traffic this summer and for your insightful ideas on how to address this valley’s transportation problems. We appreciate the engagement; keep it coming!
As a follow-up to the workshop recap from the last CC, please review the presentation given by our consultants, Nelson\Nygaard. The presentation shares a lot of excellent information that outlines the challenges our community is facing, some ideas of how to address these challenges, and some great examples of the approaches other tourist towns are implementing to mitigate the impacts of over-tourism.
I’d also like to highlight the upcoming kickoff event (happening virtually) for our JH Passage Project transportation campaign. RSVP to join us over Zoom on September 1 from 5pm to 7pm to hear more from Tom Brennan with Nelson\Nygaard and to get an inside look at the Passage Project. We’d love to hear your thoughts about possible transportation solutions in our community, so let us know what you think!
Public service announcement: The Wyoming Department of Transportation has released their draft of the STIP (Statewide Transportation Improvements Plan) for fiscal year 2022. This document outlines WYDOT’s pipeline of work in the coming years and offers an opportunity for public engagement. Projects of note include a truck arrestor concerningly close to Wilson, the Snake River bridge replacement project scheduled to begin construction in FY 23, and the planning of the reconstruction of WY22 between Jackson and Wilson also set to begin in FY 23. Find the FY 2022 Draft STIP here.