Advocacy at a distance
The Alliance works to proactively create a better future for Jackson Hole, and sometimes this requires defending our environment and community against bad ideas. We keep track of a variety of policies, plans, and issues affecting our valley, and need your help shaping their outcome.
With the current COVID-19 pandemic, much of our organizing work will be taking on a different shape. While we are unsure how this will affect our campaigning this summer, we are, for now, going forward with our advocacy work from a distance and you can too.
Community means more now than ever. Together, we can make a difference.
Right now, you can help with the following campaigns and community efforts- from the comfort (and safety) of your own home:
COVID-19 community response efforts
If you need support or want to help those that do, the following resources have been put in place to provide relief to our community. Thank you to our local nonprofits, officials and representatives for coming together to provide these resources.
- Community Emergency Response Fund -Community Foundation of Jackson Hole
- Volunteer – Community Foundation of Jackson Hole
- COVD-19 Financial Relief Awards – One 22
- Updates and Resources – JH COVID
- JH COVID en español
Give public comment
The Town of Jackson, Teton County and our local Boards and Commissions are still having public meetings remotely – and you can still participate.
- View our Tips on Giving Public Comment and Writing Letters page to learn how to make an effective comment
- The Town of Jackson and Teton County have processes for people to participate in public meetings remotely. We have included tips and instructions on how to do this as well
Heli No
Scenic helicopter tours would disrupt our wilderness areas by circling our lands, wildlife, and people. Tony Chambers of Wind River Air, LLC has a new proposal for scenic helicopter tours. While the proposal does not involve flying over or within a half mile of the park (except during takeoff and landing), the route includes wilderness areas and popular recreation areas. What you can do:
- Sign our petition to ban scenic helicopter tours in Jackson Hole (click button below)
- Learn more on our Heli No campaign page
- Submit a comment to the Airport Board by Friday 4/24/20 opposing helicopter tours – cc:
Join a board
Volunteering to be on a local board or commission means that you have the opportunity to help make important decisions that shape Jackson Hole. You can apply for the following positions at any time (applications due two months prior).
- Contact Clare to learn more
- Apply for these next vacancies:
- Town Planning/Board of Adjustment: 3 vacancies in July 2020
- Lower Valley Energy: 3 vacancies (districts 1, 6, 7) in 2020
- START: 2 vacancies in December 2020
- Housing Supply Board: 2 vacancies in December 2020
- Design Review Committee: 4 vacancies October-November 2020
- Parks & Recreation: 4 vacancies December 2020
- Jackson Hole Travel and Tourism: 3 vacancies in June 2020
- Historic Preservation Board: 2 vacancies in June 2020