The ordinance will go into effect April 1, 2023, within the Town of Jackson Bear Conflict Zone
In the latest of a series of wins for wildlife and community safety, the Jackson Town Council approved a Bear Resistant Trash ordinance last Monday, October 17. The ordinance will apply to the Bear Conflict Zone within the Town of Jackson and go into effect April 1, 2023. It’s not an April Fool’s prank – it’s real community progress toward wildlife coexistence!
This newly approved Town of Jackson ordinance compliments the Teton County Wildlife Feeding Land Development Regulations that were updated in 2022 to require trash containers to be bear resistant county-wide, excluding in town. These county-wide regulations went into effect in July 2022, although enforcement continues to be an outstanding question. Other wildlife feeding ordinances are also being updated and implemented in the Town of Jackson as well.
Thank you to the Town Council for approving this ordinance, as well as the many partners and community members pushing for proactive measures to promote wildlife coexistence. These include Town of Jackson and Teton County staff, BearWise Jackson Hole, Jackson Hole Bear Solutions, Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, Wyoming Wildlife Advocates, and many more. The Alliance will continue to collaborate with these partners to align messaging, build support, and take action to protect bears, wildlife, and our communities!