Addressing our community’s housing challenge was on everyone’s minds at last night’s Jackson Town Council meeting. Dozens of your friends and neighbors, from small business owners to those who will find themselves without a home this summer, spoke up and stressed the importance of the Council voting on new zoning regulations for District 2 (downtown) that help address the housing crisis facing our community.
Fortunately, the Council did just that by voting in approval of staff’s proposal to update the District 2 zoning regulations. Among many other positive steps, the proposal creates a workforce housing incentive program to help house our middle class.
It was encouraging to see such a variety of voices from the community attend and respectfully speak up on the issue, and even more encouraging that the Town Council took the opportunity to approve zoning regulations that will help implement our community’s Comprehensive Plan and vision for a better future. This proposal, while admittedly not perfect, will benefit local small businesses as they work to house and keep their hardworking employees, keep downtown vibrant and the heart of our town, and prioritize housing our community’s middle class.
The Alliance extends a huge thank you to the Jackson Town Council for approving this proposal, to Town planning staff for their hard work in putting it together, and to everyone who has engaged on this issue over the past few years as we’ve worked toward this constructive outcome.