Yesterday evening, July 5, the Jackson Town Council took a constructive step toward ensuring the updates to our downtown (District 2) land development regulations (LDRs) will help house our community’s middle class, help our small businesses find and keep hard working employees, and keep downtown vibrant and the heart of our community.
Specifically, the Council voted to cap the amount of short-term rentals allowed as part of the workforce housing incentive program in the downtown core at 100,000 square feet. This decision provides an important safeguard against a substantial increase in new non-residential development potential, and will allow our community to check in and fully analyze whether including short-term rentals in the workforce housing incentive program in fact advances the goals of our community.
This decision occurred in large part because dozens of people like you spoke up and asked the Council to align the District 2 LDRs with our comprehensive plan and the recent Town and County agreement to limit new additional lodging and commercial development potential.
Thank you for your participation on this important issue, and please join us over the coming weeks as we work to ensure the Council formally adopts updated downtown land use rules that will advance our shared vision of a better future.