Did you know you get to choose the future of the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance?
The Alliance is a membership organization, and if you’re a member in good standing, you have the right to both nominate people for and vote to determine who serves on our board of directors. Per Alliance Bylaws, any person nominated and elected must also be a member in good standing.
The Alliance Annual Membership Meeting will take place on Thursday, June 22, at 6:00 p.m. at the Old Wilson Schoolhouse. This meeting will involve the election of new and renewing directors to the Alliance board of directors. Members in good standing have the opportunity to nominate other members in good standing to serve on the Alliance board.
Click here to fill out a brief form to nominate someone to the Alliance board of directors. Nominations are due by Wednesday, May 10, 2017.
The Alliance board nominations committee will confirm receipt of any nominations and acceptance of candidates nominated and present candidates for a vote of Alliance members at the Annual Membership Meeting on June 22, 2017.
Please communicate any questions you have regarding this process to nominations@jhalliance.org.
Thank you for participating in choosing the future of the Alliance,
Tim O’Donoghue
Chair, Alliance Nominations Committee
Member, Alliance Board of Directors