
Northern South Park neighborhood development alternatives released

Northern South Park neighborhood development alternatives released

On Thursday, Teton County and the consultant group Opticos Design Inc. released three alternatives for Northern South Park, with a variety of options for density, housing, transportation and more. 

Opticos, the project team consultant hired by the county to develop plan alternatives and models for the Northern South Park neighborhood plan, presented four alternative neighborhood designs at an open house at JH High School on August 19. 

This was the first chance to hear from the project consultant team and County & Town planning staff on four neighborhood plan options, which included a variety of alternatives for density, housing, transportation and moreThis is the largest subdivision / development decision in a generation, so we need to get it right. 

Alliance staff went to the open house and we will have a response out soon – stay tuned. To review the Alliance’s vision for Northern South Park click here. 

An online workspace will be open from August 19-September 2 at jacksontetonplan.com/northernsouthpark.

Phone: (307) 733-9417
685 S. Cache St. PO Box 2728
Jackson, Wyoming 83001