The zoning code or “land development regulations” can seem dense, dry, and far from impacting daily life – but their results are all around you. How tall can houses be? Where are short-term rentals or hotels allowed or prohibited? Can you park on the street in winter? The way Town Council answers these questions determines our community character: what Jackson looks like, feels like, and who lives here.
This summer we heard from many of our members that Jackson Hole’s community character was at a breaking point: businesses couldn’t operate due to lacking staff, long-time local neighborhoods were hollowed out by new homes that are rarely occupied, beloved restaurants and bars became luxury condos, and traffic backed up across the valley.
On Monday, November 15, Town Council wants your input at a workshop starting at 3pm.
Planning staff raised many provocative questions for the Council regarding growth, long-term residences vs short-term rentals, and “supergentrification.” Staff also outlined a range of tools that the Council can use to shape how Jackson continues changing over time, from adding incentives to get more deed restrictions and allowing lot splits to get more smaller homes, to allowing year-round on-street parking and increasing minimum lease terms from 30 to 90 or 120 days. Staff also asked whether Council should implement a moratorium on new development until they can improve zoning to work for our community.
Read the staff report and meeting agenda here, then email the council at, and tune into the meeting here (more info below).
The Alliance has weighed in on Town zoning for many years, and we have supported:
- Bold decisions to add a significant amount of workforce housing potential in Town, to prevent sprawl into open space and wildlife habitat
- Requiring permanent deed restrictions on any units added through upzones
- Considering winter on-street parking and other creative and flexible parking policies
- Increasing the “mitigation” requirements so that developers have to build housing for a reasonable amount of workers in new jobs they generate
- Better protecting the wildlife and water that move through Jackson’s boundaries
Read more of our previous comments on Town zoning here and here.
If you can’t make it on Monday, please send comments over the weekend! Don’t worry about diving into the zoning codes, just share your vision for Jackson – what do you want our town to look like and feel like?