The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) are preparing for their Area of Focus workshop, which will identify issues the Commission will focus on in the coming year. Up for consideration is improving the operation and management of the Teton County Scenic Preserve Trust (TCSPT), which is the repository for open space easements received through residential density bonuses. Our July 30, 2023 blog post includes a basic understanding of how a land trust should work and what is lacking in the current operation of the TCSPT.
It is important for the BCC to know what the community feels is important for them to focus on. The Area of Focus Workshop is tentatively scheduled for December 11, 2023.
Email your Commissioners ( and let them know, for the community to have confidence that TCSPT easements are being held and protected in perpetuity then the County should, at minimum, be properly staffed, governed and accredited.