What: A county-wide initiative (as part of the Wyoming Public Lands Initiative) is now underway to address the future of backcountry and wilderness-quality public lands in Teton County. As the conservation representatives on this multi-stakeholder advisory group, we want to share information, hear from you, answer questions, and offer ways you can be more engaged in crafting the future of your public lands. Please join us!
When: Monday, March 20th, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Where: Snow King Resort, Teton Room
Who: Members—and friends and supporters—of the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance, Wyoming Wilderness Association, Wyoming Outdoor Council, Greater Yellowstone Coalition, Sierra Club and The Wilderness Society.
Background: The Wyoming Public Lands Initiative, a project of the Wyoming County Commission Association, is designed to bring together diverse public land users and stakeholders to try to find consensus on the future management of wilderness study areas and other public lands within participating counties. Teton County’s process—looking at Shoal Creek and Palisades wilderness study areas, and other important landscapes—is one of 8 county initiatives meeting across the state. Here in Teton County, a committee of twenty people appointed by the County Commissioners represent conservation, human-powered and motorized recreation, wildlife, hunting, fishing, horse packing, livestock grazing, oil and gas, vegetation management , businesses, general public, and tourism. If successful, our efforts—and that of other counties—will result in recommendations to our congressional delegation who will introduce legislation that will provide certainty about these treasured public lands.
Contact: Leah Zamesnik leah@wildwyo.org 307-751-2467