On March 3, 2016, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released a proposal to remove Yellowstone grizzly bears from protection under the Endangered Species Act. We have been working with our conservation partners to thoroughly analyze the proposed delisting rule to ensure it promotes a healthy grizzly bear population in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem.
A few weeks ago, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department released its draft Grizzly Bear Management Plan. This state plan, in conjunction with the draft supplement to the 1993 Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan for the Yellowstone grizzly bear population and a draft conservation strategy, will determine how grizzlies are managed if and when grizzly bears are removed from its listed status under the Endangered Species Act.
The Alliance wants a healthy, fully recovered grizzly bear population in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem and views the expansion of grizzly bears into the southern reaches of our valley as a positive development and a conservation success we should celebrate. In order to carry this success forward into the future, the Alliance will work toward a final plan that protects important grizzly bear habitat, addresses human-grizzly conflicts, and encourages increased habitat connectivity. We oppose sport hunting of grizzly bears, especially in Jackson Hole, WY, and believe it is unnecessary for managing a stable bear population.