We’ve been experiencing an especially cold and snowy winter this year. This doesn’t just mean more powder days and shoveling for us, it also takes a toll on our area wildlife. That’s why it is more important now than ever that we are mindful of how our activity affects the wildlife around us.
Over the weekend, tracks were spotted in various spots closed to winter recreation in the valley, and in one instance, a citation from the Forest Service for $130 was issued to a powder poacher.
When we disturb wildlife in the winter, we force them to expend precious energy, which can lead to a long, slow death.
As people who care about wildlife, we have a responsibility to know before we go which backcountry areas serve as critical winter habitat and migration pathways for wildlife and are closed seasonally to protect wildlife.
As you enjoy the snow, be sure you don’t poach the powder.
To report any violations of our local winter wildlife closures, please call Teton Interagency Dispatch at 307-739-3301.