The Town of Jackson has followed in the County’s footsteps and updated their wildlife feeding regulations, including requiring bear-resistant trash cans in a “bear-conflict zone”.
In an effort led by the new Town Ecosystem Stewardship Administrator, the Town of Jackson has officially followed the County’s footsteps and updated the wildlife feeding regulations within Town limits. The proposed amendments to the Municipal Code were approved unanimously by town councilors on August 15, 2022. The new requirements will go into effect April 1, 2023, to be in place before bears come out of hibernation. The updates follow closely to the recently improved County Land Development Regulations and will prohibit all feeding of wildlife in town limits, including storing all wildlife attractants in bear-resistant enclosures or containers, no planting of new ornamental fruit-bearing trees, and ensuring birdfeeders must be inaccessible to all wildlife other than birds. Similar to County regulations before this Springs update, the town will now have a “bear conflict zone” that requires people living on the periphery of town and within the identified conflict zone to store all trash in an International Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) certified bear-resistant trash container. To see a map of the conflict area and the entirety of approved amendments, check out the staff report here.
If you are interested in purchasing a bear resistant can, contact your trash hauler to see their preferred method of distribution. You can also contact BearWise Jackson Hole and Jackson Hole Bear Solutions to learn about offsetting the cost of a new can and other ways to make your property wildlife friendly and in compliance of new regulations.
Be sure to thank your town councilors and staff for this important update to the Town’s Municipal Code!