Ever feel frustrated or lost when it comes to navigating local government? Do you ever feel like you would like to get involved but have no clue where to start? These are frustrations that I have not only experienced, but have seen other community members struggle with as well. Well I am here to give you the rundown of navigating Teton County local government. Hopefully, you can use this information to become more involved in what’s happening in the community and know how to advocate for issues that matter the most.
What is our Teton County Government Made Of?
Who: Teton County is governed by 12 elected officials including:
- Assessor
- Attorney
- Board of County Commissioners: Primary responsibility is setting policy for annual budget for revenues and expenditures, as well as other fiscal policies land use, public health and safety.
- Luther Propst
- Natalia D. Macker
- Mark Newcomb
- Greg Epstein
- Wes Gardner
- Clerk
- Clerk of Court
- Coroner
- Sheriff
- Treasurer
What: The mission of Teton County, Wyoming government is to support the well-being of its residents by providing responsive and efficient services; providing programs that contribute to public health, safety, and welfare; and supporting the community`s goals as expressed in the Teton County Comprehensive Plan.
When and Where:
All County Commissioner meetings are open to the public unless noted as an executive session. The regular meetings meet at 9am the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Commissioners Chambers, 200 S Willow Street, Jackson, wy, 83001.
-The Board of County Commissioners have 4 year terms. The next election will be November 2024 for Natalia D. Macker and Greg Epstein.
Where Can I Find Project Information?
This is where you can find information about projects like Northern South Park and other large text and map amendments.
- Town of Jackson Planning and Building Website: linked here
- Teton County Planning and Building Website: linked here
- Jackson/Teton County Official Zoning Map: GIS Map where the public can access zoning information. linked here
Future, Current and Past Agendas:
How Can I Get Involved?
- Public Comment
- The Board of County Commissioners can receive public comment at any time. General public comment can be submitted here .
- Some items are only open for 45 days of public comment. More information can be found here.
- Public comment can also be given at designated meetings. Public comments should ideally be related to the issue that is being decided at meetings and be concise, (under 3 minutes).
- Letter to the Editor:
- Meant to be a forum of diverse opinions of the community. To raise awareness through community voices on important issues.
- Letters should be under 400 words and portray the author’s opinion on important community issues.
- JH News and Guide Letters to the Editor are published every Wed. Submissions are due on the Monday preceding publication.
Any Important Upcoming Meetings I Can Get Involved In?
The draft LDRs for the Northern Southpark Development (Text Amendment and Map Amendment) will be reviewed by the County Commissioners on February 20th at 9am. This is an important opportunity for community members to have their voice heard about this new development and help us make sure that the Northern South Park Development is not built at the expense or in violation of our community’s Comprehensive Plans Ecosystem Stewardship Common Value.
If you want to get involved, make sure to send your public comments by Friday, February 9th. You can send written public comments to the Teton County Planning Director at P.O. Box 1727, Jackson, Wyoming, or at rhostetter@tetoncountywy.gov.
If you would like to not go to the meeting alone on February 20th, email kelsey@jhalliance.org to RSVP to our “Brunch Before Public Comment” event where we will gather at the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance building for coffee and pastries before heading to the meeting as a group!