Learn about the State Transportation Improvement Plan and provide your input during the month of August
The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) is currently seeking input on the 2023-2028 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP gives a synopsis of existing and proposed projects and their schedules, and includes highway, transit, aeronautic, public safety communication, and capital improvement projects. Some particularly notable items in the STIP include the Tribal Trail Connector, the 2023 Snake River Bridge replacement project, construction of a wildlife crossing at the 22/390 intersection, and a proposed truck arrestor in Wilson. See the recent guest shot about the Tribal Trail Connector by the Alliance’s Interim Executive Director, Dawn Webster, here.
In July, WYDOT Director Luke Reiner and a statewide team of staff presented the 2023 State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) to Teton County Commissioners. The truck arrestor in Wilson, proposed to be located across from the Stagecoach, was one item that elicited lengthy discussion. In particular, Commissioner Propst questioned the safety of runaway trucks meeting up with slow-moving morning rush hour traffic, and the effect of a truck arrestor on the community character of Wilson.
Members of the Teton Transportation Coalition met with Director Reinert separately to discuss concerns regarding the 2023 Snake River Bridge Construction, including planning for emergency response vehicles, housing construction workers, monitoring traffic volumes, and providing uninterrupted access for pedestrians and bicyclists. Both the Coalition and the Teton County Commission sent follow-up letters to WYDOT encouraging mitigation opportunities to keep traffic moving safely and efficiently.
While they did not take public input at that meeting, they held an open house at the Teton County Library last Wednesday, August 10. The event offered an opportunity to meet with WYDOT and county employees firsthand, discuss each of the proposed projects, and leave written comments.
If you were unable to attend the open house, there is still time to make your concerns known and provide feedback on what WYDOT projects are important to you. Visit www.dot.state.wy.us/STIP to learn more and send your comments to WYDOT.