
CLI Updates

CLI Updates

The 14th round of the Conservation Leadership Institute will be held on Tuesday, September 12th from 6pm-8pm. We have already received some great applications and will be excited to announce the upcoming CLI class by early September! A few updates about CLI: 

  • What is CLI? The Conservation Leadership Institute is an 8-week course that will be held from Tuesday, September 12th-Tuesday October 31st from 6pm-8pm. It is a free course for anyone in the Jackson Hole/Teton Valley community who is passionate about conservation and interested in how to take the next steps to be a more active leader of the community and knowing how to actively protect what you love. The class will include information about public narrative or connecting to your why, how to create a campaign plan (which you will do in a group project), understanding local government in Jackson Hole, how to write letters to elected officials, how to get on a board, how to improve your public speaking skills, lobbying and more. We will have speakers from all over the community and U.S who will talk about issues that exist in conservation. Topics such as Conservation in the New West, the Housing Crisis in Jackson Hole, protecting our Rivers, Representing Indigenous People in Natural Resources and Environmental policy, Local Government and Diversity and Inclusion in the Outdoors.  
  • How Can I Sign Up? Applications can be found on our website at https://jhalliance.org/get-involved/conservation-leadership-institute/ . Applications were released July 7th and have been extended until September 1st. After September 1st, I will contact applicants for an interview and select up to 20 applicants to be part of the 2023 CLI class. If you already applied, you can expect to hear back by September 1st.  
  • What is the Class Schedule? Classes will be held at the Conservation Alliance conference room near Snow King Ski Resort on Tuesdays from 6pm-8pm. We will have snacks and beverages and food and drinks will be allowed. The class schedule is still being solidified but you can find the draft schedule at the bottom of this email. 
  • Why is CLI Important/ What Will I Get Out of It? The Conservation Leadership Institute is important because it is designed to give members of the community the knowledge and skills to be a leader in taking action to protect and fight for issues they care about. It’s one thing to love the environment or to care about affordable housing and it’s a whole new level when you know how to take action in creating or supporting policy or electors who can help create real change. Civic Engagement is a skill that is not often innate or taught in schools, yet, it is so important to the future of our community and even the planet. It is important to know that your voice matters and can make a difference. CLI is meant to help prepare you to take on that role. We all live in the Jackson Hole for a reason. This special place has already experienced change and is subject to more just like any other mountain town. It is up to the members of the community to preserve and protect what makes this place so great. If you or someone you know wants to get involved in CLI, either as a student, speaker or donor please reach out to me at kelsey@jhalliance.org. I am excited to meet the next generation of leaders in Jackson Hole! 
Workshop #    Date    Skill    Issue    Guest    Notes  
Workshop 1    September    


Public Narrative    The Why    Luther Propst:  

Conservation in the New West  

Workshop 2    September    


Intro to    





Clare Stump (Shelter JH):    

The Housing Crisis in Jackson Hole  

Workshop 3    September    




Effectively getting your message across:  

Diversity and Inclusion in Conservation  


Workshop 4    October 3rd    Local    




Government literacy: To know is to Act  


Workshop 5    October 10th    Building Power with your community: Strategy and Tactics   Public Speaking   Len Necefer: The intersection of indigenous people, natural resources and environmental policy      
Workshop 6    October 17th      



Make your voice Heard amongst policy makers  


Orion Hatch and Joe Smith with the Snake River Fund on Conservation     
Workshop 7    October 24th    Grassroots Organizing and Getting on a Board    How to be a leader in the community  


Kaya Patten-Fusselman     
Workshop 8    October 31st    What’s Next:   

A lifetime of Civic Engagement   

Present projects   CLI Grads on using what you know     
Graduation    November 2nd    Party and certificates   Congrats to the new leaders of Jackson Hole   Alliance Staff      


Phone: (307) 733-9417
685 S. Cache St. PO Box 2728
Jackson, Wyoming 83001