
JH Passage Project


After almost 3 years, a comprehensive, sustainable plan for Highway 22

Nearly three years ago, the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance launched the Jackson Hole Passage Project, with the goal of developing a clear vision for the future of our valley’s transportation system, focusing on the Highway 22/390 corridors. The results of those nearly three years of study, analysis, and recommended applications of practices from a variety of conservation minded communities like ours, created a clear vision for Jackson Hole’s transportation future that will protect the 22/389 corridors, the wildlife and the distinctive character or those corridors in perpetuity.

We recently presented the results of that effort to county transportation professionals, community leaders and the community at large in a series of presentations and discussions. The recommendations, encompassing a range of transportation options, including transit, shared rides, pathways, van pools and other modes of travel, were designed to truly solve the transportation challenges facing the community, rather than simply adding lanes of highway that will create the same congestion on an increased number of lanes over time.

The responses from the community and its leaders were both encouraging and gratifying, given the hard work and resources expended on this project. The recommendations were seen as helpful, reasonable and ones that would serve the
community well. The final recommendation in our presentation to the community and its leaders was to “form a coalition” within the community to ensure that community members and leaders alike will understand the challenges, the available solutions and use that knowledge to evaluate and respond to the recommendations of WYDOT and the Federal highway
administration resulting from their analysis and evaluations.

We will continue to provide the information to, and the to mobilize our community, while we build local and state-level political support for our vision, should WYDOT recommend a less sustainable solution. The Alliance will continue to work with its partners in the Teton Transportation Coalition who have continued to work together to bring in federal BUILD grant funding for transit alternatives and walk/bike projects at every step of this project.

To read the results of our study, click here. For a PDF or our report reach out to maria@jhalliance.org

To see the entire plan as presented to the community, click here.

For more information about the Passage Project, contact info@jhalliance.org.

Donate to help build a better transportation future
Phone: (307) 733-9417
685 S. Cache St. PO Box 2728
Jackson, Wyoming 83001